Welcome Class of 2025!
Please check this page frequently for important updates.
Senior Photos:
August 12 & 13 at I.C. Norcom
Makeup dates will be September 24 & 25 in the auditorium
*You will make your own appointment through email
*You or your parents will receive an email or postcard
from Lifetouch to make your appointment.
*Follow the directions given.
*Remember you will need to pay the $25 sitting fee if you choose different outfits.
*Please note that the school has nothing to do with the appointments.
To Do List:
*Start to think about your hoodie design
*Send Ms. Dixon an email telling her why you are excited about your senior year.
Save the Date!
*Back-to-school senior parent meeting will be
Thursday, August 22 from 6:30-7:30pm
in the auditorium